Friday, 29 January 2016

Filming - Day 1

Yesterday we started filming.  We were already at a slight disadvantage as we forgot to bring the storyboard to eves hose where we wetre filming.  But luckily we had pictures on our phones of the story board so had a pretty good idea of each scene.  We got the costumes and makeup ready on our actors Lily and Conor and were ready to start.  Before filming we were worried about the lighting for the shots of Lily in her bedroom as we wanted it to be quite moody and dark.  Lukcily the natural light from outside created nice shadows that made Lily seem very mysterious.  We played around with some of our shots, for example when Conoro walks up the stairs we tried different angles to what was on the storyboard, just so we could have a choice when editing that scene in.  I found it really helpful that we had had a planned out storyboard as it allowed to to get the shots we might not have realised we needed. We also filmed many different angles of each shot, just to make the editing process easier.  However, near the end of the day at about 5pm the natural light we were using from outside dimmed, and it became too dark to film anymore so we had to stop.  This was a big limitation and we have to film again next week.   Also theres a shot where a car pulls into the driveway of the house, but we didn't have a car available yesterday so will need to film that next time we film.

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